Tuesday, June 11, Erev Shavuot

  • Mincha: 8:15 PM 
  • Maariv: 9:00 PM

Wednesday, June 12, 1st Day of Shavuot

  • Morning Services: 9:30am
  • Reading of the Ten Commandments: 11:00am
    Followed by grand Kiddush lunch and loads of Cheesecake 

If you can't make it in the morning then come at 5:30pm for 2nd chance Reading of the Ten Commandments, Dairy Dinner and Ice Cream

  • Mincha: 8:15 PM
  • Maariv: 9:00 PM

Thursday, June 13, 2nd Day of Shavuos

  • Morning Services: 9:30am  
  • Yizkor: Approx. 11:15am
    Followed by light dairy Kiddush 

Mincha: 7:30 PM
Followed by Farbrengen
Maariv: 9:20PM